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Meet the heart and soul of Reside Platform – our clients. They're not just satisfied; they're elated. Why? Because Reside has the power to redefine your business, and they have the stories to prove it.


These passionate individuals have experienced a complete transformation, and they're eager to share their journey with you. They've seen their businesses thrive and their teams flourish with Reside.


But, don't just take our word for it. Let their voices echo the profound impact Reside has had on their real estate ventures. Their stories are the living testament to what's possible when you partner with us.


Explore their experiences, be inspired, and envision your own success story with Reside by your side.

What our clients say

"My growth has been 600x since joining Reside."

"I've put a lot of pieces around me to keep me moving in the right direction. My growth has been 600x since joining Reside.

And I don't plan to slow down."

David Smith

David Smith


The LUX Realty Team

Our agents out preformed their last year's numbers by 145% with Reside!"
We have tried pretty much everything that didn't work...

Our experience with Reside has been absolutely GAME CHANGING! The reality is our business now is organized, we have a game plan (and) we never would have had this without the Reside Platform!"

Joe Bourland

Joe Bourland


The Bourland Real Estate Team

It hasn't been long but its been POWERFUL! "
A high culture of collaboration"
We tried a lot of things...

The difference here at Reside, the benefit to us, is following a proven path by multiple leaders that have done it in different ways. So we can collapse time and stop making the mistakes we've made before."

Shawn ONeill Headshot

Shawn O'Neill


Expert Home Advisors

Its helping us stay organized with our daily minimum standards and our routines."
I wanted to start with the TOP!"
The Heart of Reside is the GIVING MENTALITY"
It's not only brought me CLARITY around my business,

the metrics and what we really have to do to grow, but more importantly there is a community of individuals that are here to support my growth!"

Alex Yu Headshot

Alex Yu


First Team Real Estate

This is the answer to our questions!"
We get a system and a schedule every week, multiple times a week, and at every level of the organization"
This is the answer to our questions!"

Contact Us

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